Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Series of Miracles.....

I'm so thankful today. It's amazing how life turns out - never exactly the way we planned it or imagined it, but somehow, miraculously, it turns out. Actually tomorrow is the BIG day - "the miracle day." March 8. My beautiful little girl, is going to turn 18 years old tomorrow. She is a living miracle. She is also a beacon of light, a source of joy, a handicapped child, and the love of my life. I have personally witnessed more than one miracle with Chelsea. When Chelsea was about 4 or 5 years old, I prayed for God to heal her. God heard my prayers and gave me a miracle. He healed my heart and my eyes so that I could see that my child was perfect just the way she is. She didn't need to be fixed or healed ~ the only thing that needed to be fixed were my own perceptions. That miracle led to another and another.......

I often tell people that I've won the lottery of motherhood. My child is as close to an angel as is possible here on earth. I know without a shadow of a doubt she talks with angels each and every day. There is a certain spot in her room where she looks up and I can see her eyes "talking" with them. She cocks her head to the side and listens and then smiles often at what they say back to her. Just the other day I was sitting on the side of her bed talking with her about her angels and I said, "Chelsea, where are mommy's angels? I want angels, too." Chelsea immediately moved her eyes to just a foot away from my shoulder and rested her eyes there for just a moment and then moved them back to mine. She was telling me, clearer than words could ever be, that my angel was right there with me, too. I loved that - just another miracle, that's all.

One day last week when Chelsea was sitting in class at school, another "special needs" child walked up to Chelsea and stared into her eyes and smiled for a long time. The teacher asked Austin what he was doing. He said, "Chelsea and I are talking to each other." Now, that's what I call a miracle. My child can't speak a word outloud but she can have wonderful and truly meaningful conversations through the light in her eyes. Miracles comes in all sizes - they don't all need to be Moses parting the Red Sea. The small ones are just as important.

When I reflect on my life I know how extremely lucky I am. Because of all of the twists and turns in the road, my life has led me here. I'm very happy as a stay-at-home mom with two incredible kids, a beautiful home and a loving, supportive family. In addition I have you - my friends. Whether we've met or not, talked on the phone or not, whether we've ever shopped together on the internet or not, it's a warm and wonderful thing to know we can connect with just a few clicks of the keyboard.

It's a wonderful world and I'm so proud to be here at this time in history. Many people are negative right now about the economy, the war, etc. etc. - but honestly, isn't it truly exciting to be part of the change, part of the improvements, part of the incredible group of people who can turn it all around. Historians will be talking about us for a long, long time..... Let's all do the very best we can to make a difference - big or small. It's all about miracles and how we see them, make them, live them, and enjoy them.